Title starts with phrase
Title contains phrase
Subject Language Call # starts with Medium Downloadable Material type
Secondary material type Reader age Accelerated Reader™ Lexile® Measure
Search for:
Material Type
1 — Unassigned 2 — Audio 3 — Biography 4 — Easy 5 — Fiction 6 — Juvenile fiction 7 — Juvy Nonfiction 8 — Magazines 9 — Nonfiction 10 — Reference 11 — Video 12 — YA 13 — YA Non Fiction 14 — Junior Biography 15 — Easy Non Fiction 16 — Biography 17 — Music 18 — Easy Biography 19 — Inter Library Loans 20 — Junior Audio
Secondary material type
1 - Career 1 - Cats 1 - Chemistry 1 - Christmas 1 - Circus 1 - Civil War 1 - Crime 1 - Customs 1 - Prejudice 2 - Computers 2 - Counting 2 - Cows 2 - Dinosaurs 2 - Divorce 2 - Dogs 2 - Dolls 2 - Social science 2 - Suicide 3 - Dragons 3 - Drawing 3 - Easter 3 - Explorers 3 - Fantasy 3 - Farm Life 3 - Football 3 - Foxes 3 - UFO's 4 - Firearms 4 - Ghosts 4 - Goverment 4 - Halloween 4 - Handicapped 4 - Historical 4 - Hockey 4 - Horses 4 - Rape 5 - Adult Mystery 5 - Coins 5 - Humor 5 - Indians 5 - Insects 5 - Mice 5 - Monsters 5 - Motorcycles 5 - Mountains 5 - Satanism 6 - Biology 6 - Magazines 6 - Myths 6 - Olympics 6 - Orphans 6 - Outdoor 6 - Picture Books 6 - Pigs 6 - Pirates 6 - Prohibition 7 - Poultry 7 - Rabbits 7 - Rhyme 7 - Riddles 7 - Robots 7 - Runaways 7 - Science Fiction 7 - Ships 7 - Short Stories 7 - Western 8 - Skating 8 - Snakes 8 - Soccer 8 - Space 8 - Survival 8 - Tall Tales 8 - Teenage 8 - Tennis 8 - Thanksgiving 9 - Farms 9 - Presidents 9 - Recycle 9 - Turtles 9 - Valentine's Day 9 - War of 1812 9 - Witches 9 - Women 9 - World War - Adoption - Alphabet - Ballet - Baseball - Bears - Birthday - Blacks - Easy - Temporary 10 - Collectables 10 - Holiday 10 - Nancy Drew Books 10 - Newbery 10 - Pets 10 - Plants 10 - Poetry 10 - Pollution 10 - Romance 10 - War 11 - Art 11 - Ecology 11 - Encylopedias 11 - Friendship 11 - Games 11 - Hardy Boys 11 - Historical Fiction 11 - Horse Stories 11 - Martial Arts 11 - Spanish 12 - Abuse 12 - Adventure Stories 12 - Animals 12 - Biography 12 - Caldecott Books 12 - Death 12 - French 12 - German 12 - Italian 12 - Joke Books 13 - Adult Fiction 13 - Antique 13 - Aviation 13 - Basketball 13 - Discipline 13 - Easy Fiction 13 - Junior Fiction 13 - Single Parent 13 - Stars,Sun,Planets 13 - Vietnam War 14 - Astrology 14 - Baby-sitters Club 14 - Cookbook 14 - Crafts 14 - Goosebumps 14 - Ingles 14 - Juvenile 14 - Military 14 - Religion 14 - Woodworking 15 - Civil Rights 15 - Curiosities and wonders 15 - Dr. Seuss 15 - Junior Mystery 15 - Medical Sciences 15 - Nature 15 - Reader 15 - Self Help 15 - Series 15 - Trees 16 - Education 16 - Foreign Languge 16 - Gardening 16 - Health 16 - Home Improvement 16 - Large Print 16 - Music 16 - Psychology 16 - Science 16 - Tests 17 - Abortion 17 - Afro-American 17 - Birds 17 - Home Decorating 17 - Interracial Marriage 17 - Mental Illness 17 - Physical Fitness 17 - Physical Illiness 17 - Sports 17 - Wildlife 18 - Astronomy 18 - Dictionary 18 - Drug & Alcohol 18 - Earth Science 18 - Human Body 18 - Nutrition 18 - Public Safety 18 - Reference 18 - Technology 18 - Wagoner 19 - Astral projection 19 - Battles 19 - English 19 - History 19 - Law 19 - Oklahoma 19 - Political 19 - Sex Education 19 - Sexual Behavior 19 - The unexplained 20 - Anthropology 20 - Bible 20 - Christianity 20 - Hoaxes and Deceptions 20 - Outlaws 20 - Parapsychology 20 - Supernatural 20 - Superstitions 20 - Theology 21 - Economics 21 - Engineering 21 - Fear 21 - Grammar 21 - Karate 21 - Landscaping 21 - Language 21 - Mathematics 21 - Mechanics 21 - Physics 22 - Architecture 22 - Business 22 - Drama 22 - Essays 22 - Fables 22 - Millennium 22 - Origami 22 - Painting 22 - Philosophy 22 - Travel 23 - Amnesia 23 - Audio Cassettes 23 - Automobiles 23 - Child Development 23 - Home Schooling 23 - Photography 23 - Safety 23 - Sesame Street 23 - Video Cassettes 23 - Young Adults 24 - Classics 24 - Congress 24 - Coretta-Scott-King Award 24 - Energy 24 - Environmental 24 - Families 24 - History Oklahoma 24 - Pregnancy 24 - Sequoyah 24 - Supreme Court 25 - Addiction 25 - Aids 25 - Anorexia 25 - Bible stories 25 - Bulimia 25 - Manners 25 - Peer Pressure 25 - Resume 25 - Stress 25 - Volcanoes 26 - Air Force 26 - Christian fiction 26 - Cowboys and Cowgirls 26 - Depression 26 - Electronic materials 26 - Frontier life 26 - The West 27 - Dreams 27 - Folklore 27 - Oklahoma author 27 - Social life 27 - Spiritual 27 - Statistics 27 - Suspense 27 - Universe 28 - Celebrity 28 - Dieting 28 - Horror 28 - Oprah's Book Club 28 - Quilting 28 - Slavery 28 - Weather 28 - Weddings 28 - Welding 29 - Atlas 29 - Books, etc. added 7/00-6/01 29 - Compact disc 29 - Eskimo 29 - Kindergarten 29 - Sharks 29 - States 29 - Whales 29 - Winning 29 - Young Adult Non-fiction 30 - Airplanes 30 - Alaska 30 - Anatomy 30 - Angels 30 - Cloning 30 - Exercise 30 - Graduation 30 - Hawaii 30 - Hunting 30 - Winnie the Pooh 31 - ACT 31 - Ceremonies 31 - Devotional 31 - Holocaust 31 - NCLEX 31 - SAT 31 - Sheep 31 - Sign language 31 - Small engine repair 31 - Toilet training 32 - 2001-2002 books, etc. added A 32 - 2nd titles added 2001/2002 Ad 32 - Anniversaries 32 - Aud/Vid added 2001/2002 Adult 32 - Aud/Vid added 2001/2002 Juven 32 - Meetings 32 - Reunions 32 - Serials added 2001/2002 33 - 2001-2002 books, etc. added J 33 - 2nd titles added 2001/2002 Ju 33 - Electronic materials 33 - Fear Street 33 - Fishing 33 - Meditation 33 - National Geographic 33 - Reference added 2002-2003 34 - 2002-2003 books, etc. added A 34 - Algebra 34 - Carpentry 34 - Chapter Books 34 - Driving manual 34 - Finance 34 - Frogs 34 - Names 34 - Terrorists 35 - 2002-2003 books, etc. added J 35 - 2nd titles added 2002-2003 A 35 - 2nd titles added 2002-2003 J 35 - Aud/vid added 2002-2003 A 35 - Aud/vid added 2002-2003 J 35 - Knitting 35 - Lifeguard Training 35 - Nursing 35 - Patterns 35 - Serials added 2002-2003 36 - 2003-04 books, etc. added A/Y 36 - 2003-04 books, etc. added J/E 36 - 2nd title added 2003-04 A/YA 36 - Bilingual 36 - Costumes 36 - Do-it-yourself projects 36 - Electrical 36 - Ethnic 36 - Furniture 36 - Printing 37 - 2nd title added 2003-04 J/E 37 - Audios added 2003-04 A/YA 37 - Audios added 2003-04 J/E 37 - Country 37 - Home Plans 37 - Memorial Books 37 - Reference added 2003-04 37 - Serials added 2003-2004 37 - Videos added A/Y 2003-04 37 - Videos added J/E 2003-04 38 - Archery 38 - Bicycles/Bicycling 38 - Comedy 38 - Hispanics 38 - Jerusalem 38 - Magic 38 - Mammals 38 - Railroads 38 - Reptiles 38 - Seasons 39 - Construction 39 - Design 39 - Greenhouse 39 - Love 39 - Mulching 39 - Racing 39 - Sailing 39 - Self Realization 39 - Solar Energy 39 - Success 40 - 2004-2005 Audios added 40 - 2004-2005 Books, ect. add A/Y 40 - 2004-2005 Books, ect. adde J/ 40 - 2004-2005 Videos added 40 - 2nd Title added 2004-2005 J/E 40 - 2nd titles added 2004-2005 A/ 40 - Animorphs 40 - Cars 40 - Graphic Novels 40 - Windsurfing 41 - Audios 2004-2005 41 - Husbands 41 - Immigrants 41 - Marriage 41 - Reference added 2004-2005 41 - School 41 - Serials added 2004-2005 41 - Skinning and Tanning 41 - Trapping 41 - Wives 42 - Eating Disorders 42 - Gangs 42 - Kids in Crisis 42 - Leukemia 42 - Library 42 - Oceans and Seas 42 - Picture Framing 42 - Scrapbooking 42 - Unicorns 42 - Upholstery 43 - American Girl 43 - Behavior 43 - Fairy Tales 43 - Feng Shui 43 - Flowers 43 - Magicians 43 - Parent and Child 43 - Parenting 43 - Puppets 43 - Yoga 44 - 2005/2006 A/YA Added 44 - Arthritis 44 - Attention Deficit Disorder 44 - Board Games 44 - Chemotherapy/Radiation 44 - Citizenship 44 - Genealogy 44 - Lizards 44 - Massage 44 - Parent/Child Relationships 45 - 2005-2006 Audios Added 45 - 2005-2006 J/E added 45 - 2005-2006 Reference Added 45 - 2005-2006 Videos Added 45 - Alternate life styles 45 - Board Books 45 - Colors 45 - Feng Shui 45 - Fish 45 - Inspirational 46 - Comic Book Characters 46 - Diary 46 - Etiquette 46 - Heroes 46 - Medical 46 - Read it Chapter Books 46 - Serials added 2005/2006 46 - United States 46 - Writing 46 - Zodiac 47 - Autism 47 - Body Piercing and Tattoos 47 - Human Rights 47 - Literature 47 - Natural Disasters 47 - Opposing Viewpoints 47 - Speach Therapy 47 - Tunnels 47 - Walt Disney 47 - Wrestling 48 - 2006/2007 A-YA added 48 - 2006/2007 Audio added 48 - 2006/2007 J-E added 48 - 2006/2007 Serials Added 48 - 2006/2007 Video's added 48 - Bankruptcy 48 - Entertainment 48 - Literature 48 - Photosynthesis 48 - Ref added 2006/2007 49 - Blogging 49 - Cake Decorating 49 - Criminal Law 49 - Goats 49 - Herbs 49 - Infertility 49 - Magic Castle Reader 49 - Measurements 49 - Power of Attorney 49 - Water Garden 50 - 2007/2008 A/YA Added 50 - 2007/2008 Jun/Easy Added 50 - Alzheimer's 50 - Bullies 50 - Constellations 50 - Disabilities 50 - Diseases 50 - Fairies 50 - Global Warming 50 - Trains 51 - 2007/2008 Audio's Added 51 - 2007/2008 Ref Added 51 - 2007/2008 Serials Added 51 - 2007/2008 Video Added 51 - Castles 51 - Cheerleading 51 - Fire Trucks 51 - Fireman 51 - Solar System 51 - Stuttering 52 - 2008/2009 A/YA added 52 - 2008/2009 Audio Added 52 - 2008/2009 J-E added 52 - 2008/2009 Video Added 52 - Bartending 52 - Equipment 52 - Literacy 52 - Picture Puzzle 52 - Ponies 52 - Trucks 53 - 2008/2009 Serial Added 53 - Beekeeping 53 - Clocks 53 - Decoration 53 - Forensic Science 53 - Golf 53 - Money 53 - Musical 53 - Puberty 53 - Turkeys 54 - 09/10 A/YA added 54 - 09/10 ANF/YANF added 54 - 09/10 JF/E added 54 - Acrobats 54 - Kitchen 54 - Princess 54 - Prophecies 54 - Remodeling 54 - Scientology 54 - Vampires 55 - 10/11 A/YA Added 55 - 10/11 ANF/YANF Added 55 - 10/11 JF/E Added 55 - 10/11 JNF/ENF Added 55 - 10/11 Serial Added 55 - 09/10 Audio Added 55 - 09/10 JNF/ENF added 55 - 09/10 Serial Added 55 - 09/10 Video Added 55 - Exorcism 56 - 10/11 Audio Added 56 - 10/11 Video Added *NC - Non-circulating eBook 0 - Restricted from version 7 16 - Volume 17 - Number 18 - Issue 19 - Volume 20 - Number 21 - Issue 22 - Volume 23 - Number 24 - Issue 415 - Donated 415 - gift 419 - State Aid 420 - 3Number 421 - Book 421 - Book 421 - Book 421 - No. 421 - Vol. 422 - date 422 - State Aid 423 - Date 423 - Date 423 - Friends of the Library 424 - Ingram 430 - No. 430 - No.15 430 - No.16 430 - No.23 430 - Vol. 430 - Vol.Number 431 - 103Vol. 431 - DVD 431 - Series 432 - # 432 - Belvoir Publication 432 - withdraw 432 - Withdraw 432 - Withdraw 433 - 433 - Ok Dept. of Libraries 434 - Audio 434 - Book and 434 - Chldrn grant 434 - Copy 434 - Type 435 - 3 435 - Discs 435 - Duplicate 435 - Post Office 435 - Video 436 - added 436 - JLG 436 - Memorial Book 437 - Annenberg Foundation Tru 437 - Chldrn fund 437 - DEL 437 - National Endowment Arts 437 - Oklahoma St Health Dept. 437 - Scholastic Books 438 - Audio 438 - Chldrn's fnd 438 - Crossings 438 - Graphic 438 - Jell-O 438 - Stuttering Foundation 438 - Volumn 438 - Wal Mart 439 - Center Point Large Print 439 - Demco 439 - Recorded Books 439 - Series 439 - Trilogy 439 - Volume 1 439 - Volume 3 439 - Volume 4 439 - Volume 5 439 - Volume 6 439 - Volume 7 439 - Volume 8 439 - Volume 9 439 - Art Jewelry 439 - BBC Audiobooks America 439 - Books on Tape 439 - Campbell Soup labels 439 - Crafter's Choice 439 - Demco 439 - DVA 439 - Gale Group 439 - Gumdrop Books 439 - Ingram 439 - Junior Library Guild 439 - Large Print Overstock 439 - Penworthy 439 - Recorded Books 439 - Southern Living Books 439 - Traces 439 - Ulverscroft 439 - Video Group 439 - Vol 439 - Web Wise 440 - Audio Book Club 440 - Audiobooks D 440 - Avalon Books 440 - BBC Audiobooks America 440 - Book and 440 - Childre's Plus, Inc 440 - Children's Plus, Inc. 440 - Copy 440 - DVA 440 - Gumdrop Books 440 - Junior Library Guild 440 - Max Medlin Memorial Fund 440 - Micro Marketing 440 - MicroMarketing 440 - Oakstone Legal & Business 440 - Penworthy 440 - Series 440 - Series 440 - Southern Living Books 440 - Ulverscroft 440 - Video Group AUD - Audio tapes Audio GO B - Adult biography BIL - Standard Bill Notice BIL - V1.50 Standard bill CU - COMPUTER USE DAM - DAMAGED DVD - Digital videos E - Easy fiction EXP - V1.50 Standard expired card n F - Fixed FIC - Adult fiction H - Hourly H - Hourly from version 7 HOL - Standard Ready Hold Notice HOL - V1.50 Standard ready hold not ILL - inter-library loan ILL - Overdue on ILL JB - Junior and Easy Biography JUN - Junior and Easy fiction LOS - LOST MAG - magazines MUS - Music CD or tape NF - Junior and Easy non-fiction O - Overnight from version 7 OD - OVERDUE OTH - Other OVE - Standard Overdue Notice OVE - V1.50 Standard overdue notice PAM - Pamphlet PB - paperbacks PRO - PRO call number prefix PST - Postage R - Regular REF - Reference book REF - REFUND S1 - Special #1 from version 7 TEM - Temporary TEM - Temporary V7B - V7BILL version 7 conversion V7E - V7EXPCARD version 7 conversio V7H - V7HOLD version 7 conversion V7O - V7OVERDUE version 7 conversio VID - Videos WWF - Withdrawn with Fine YA - Young adult fiction YAN - Young adult non fiction Medium
audio book audio recording AUDIOBOOK board book BOOK BOOK> / Jude Watson compact disc Compact Disk and Book computer disc DVD DVD videorecording graphic novel Gutenberg LARGE PRINT sound recording sound recording (CD) soundrecording text (large print) text) large print video recording video recordings videorecording videorecording (DVD) No Medium Listed Downloadable
Downloadable Not Downloadable Downloadable eBook Has a member review
Lexile Measure Range Lexile Minimum – Lexile Maximum
English French Finnish Spanish German Italian Dutch Portuguese Hungarian Chinese Swedish Greek, Modern (1453- ) Esperanto Japanese Latin Danish Korean Catalan Thai Tagalog Norwegian Polish Russian Afrikaans Frisian Indonesian Welsh Czech Hebrew Multiple languages Icelandic Malay Bulgarian Romanian Serbian Slovenian Telugu Galician Greek, Ancient (to 1453) Tai (Other) Arabic Irish Vietnamese Akkadian Cherokee Croatian Dakota Estonian Hawaiian Hindi Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) Inuktitut Klingon (Artificial language) Lithuanian Maori Nepali Occitan (post-1500) Persian Sanskrit Serbian Sign languages Yiddish
Title starts with phrase
Title contains phrase
Subject Language Call # starts with Medium Downloadable Material type
Secondary material type Reader age Accelerated Reader™ Lexile® Measure
Search for:
Material Type
1 — Unassigned 2 — Audio 3 — Biography 4 — Easy 5 — Fiction 6 — Juvenile fiction 7 — Juvy Nonfiction 8 — Magazines 9 — Nonfiction 10 — Reference 11 — Video 12 — YA 13 — YA Non Fiction 14 — Junior Biography 15 — Easy Non Fiction 16 — Biography 17 — Music 18 — Easy Biography 19 — Inter Library Loans 20 — Junior Audio
Secondary material type
1 - Career 1 - Cats 1 - Chemistry 1 - Christmas 1 - Circus 1 - Civil War 1 - Crime 1 - Customs 1 - Prejudice 2 - Computers 2 - Counting 2 - Cows 2 - Dinosaurs 2 - Divorce 2 - Dogs 2 - Dolls 2 - Social science 2 - Suicide 3 - Dragons 3 - Drawing 3 - Easter 3 - Explorers 3 - Fantasy 3 - Farm Life 3 - Football 3 - Foxes 3 - UFO's 4 - Firearms 4 - Ghosts 4 - Goverment 4 - Halloween 4 - Handicapped 4 - Historical 4 - Hockey 4 - Horses 4 - Rape 5 - Adult Mystery 5 - Coins 5 - Humor 5 - Indians 5 - Insects 5 - Mice 5 - Monsters 5 - Motorcycles 5 - Mountains 5 - Satanism 6 - Biology 6 - Magazines 6 - Myths 6 - Olympics 6 - Orphans 6 - Outdoor 6 - Picture Books 6 - Pigs 6 - Pirates 6 - Prohibition 7 - Poultry 7 - Rabbits 7 - Rhyme 7 - Riddles 7 - Robots 7 - Runaways 7 - Science Fiction 7 - Ships 7 - Short Stories 7 - Western 8 - Skating 8 - Snakes 8 - Soccer 8 - Space 8 - Survival 8 - Tall Tales 8 - Teenage 8 - Tennis 8 - Thanksgiving 9 - Farms 9 - Presidents 9 - Recycle 9 - Turtles 9 - Valentine's Day 9 - War of 1812 9 - Witches 9 - Women 9 - World War - Adoption - Alphabet - Ballet - Baseball - Bears - Birthday - Blacks - Easy - Temporary 10 - Collectables 10 - Holiday 10 - Nancy Drew Books 10 - Newbery 10 - Pets 10 - Plants 10 - Poetry 10 - Pollution 10 - Romance 10 - War 11 - Art 11 - Ecology 11 - Encylopedias 11 - Friendship 11 - Games 11 - Hardy Boys 11 - Historical Fiction 11 - Horse Stories 11 - Martial Arts 11 - Spanish 12 - Abuse 12 - Adventure Stories 12 - Animals 12 - Biography 12 - Caldecott Books 12 - Death 12 - French 12 - German 12 - Italian 12 - Joke Books 13 - Adult Fiction 13 - Antique 13 - Aviation 13 - Basketball 13 - Discipline 13 - Easy Fiction 13 - Junior Fiction 13 - Single Parent 13 - Stars,Sun,Planets 13 - Vietnam War 14 - Astrology 14 - Baby-sitters Club 14 - Cookbook 14 - Crafts 14 - Goosebumps 14 - Ingles 14 - Juvenile 14 - Military 14 - Religion 14 - Woodworking 15 - Civil Rights 15 - Curiosities and wonders 15 - Dr. Seuss 15 - Junior Mystery 15 - Medical Sciences 15 - Nature 15 - Reader 15 - Self Help 15 - Series 15 - Trees 16 - Education 16 - Foreign Languge 16 - Gardening 16 - Health 16 - Home Improvement 16 - Large Print 16 - Music 16 - Psychology 16 - Science 16 - Tests 17 - Abortion 17 - Afro-American 17 - Birds 17 - Home Decorating 17 - Interracial Marriage 17 - Mental Illness 17 - Physical Fitness 17 - Physical Illiness 17 - Sports 17 - Wildlife 18 - Astronomy 18 - Dictionary 18 - Drug & Alcohol 18 - Earth Science 18 - Human Body 18 - Nutrition 18 - Public Safety 18 - Reference 18 - Technology 18 - Wagoner 19 - Astral projection 19 - Battles 19 - English 19 - History 19 - Law 19 - Oklahoma 19 - Political 19 - Sex Education 19 - Sexual Behavior 19 - The unexplained 20 - Anthropology 20 - Bible 20 - Christianity 20 - Hoaxes and Deceptions 20 - Outlaws 20 - Parapsychology 20 - Supernatural 20 - Superstitions 20 - Theology 21 - Economics 21 - Engineering 21 - Fear 21 - Grammar 21 - Karate 21 - Landscaping 21 - Language 21 - Mathematics 21 - Mechanics 21 - Physics 22 - Architecture 22 - Business 22 - Drama 22 - Essays 22 - Fables 22 - Millennium 22 - Origami 22 - Painting 22 - Philosophy 22 - Travel 23 - Amnesia 23 - Audio Cassettes 23 - Automobiles 23 - Child Development 23 - Home Schooling 23 - Photography 23 - Safety 23 - Sesame Street 23 - Video Cassettes 23 - Young Adults 24 - Classics 24 - Congress 24 - Coretta-Scott-King Award 24 - Energy 24 - Environmental 24 - Families 24 - History Oklahoma 24 - Pregnancy 24 - Sequoyah 24 - Supreme Court 25 - Addiction 25 - Aids 25 - Anorexia 25 - Bible stories 25 - Bulimia 25 - Manners 25 - Peer Pressure 25 - Resume 25 - Stress 25 - Volcanoes 26 - Air Force 26 - Christian fiction 26 - Cowboys and Cowgirls 26 - Depression 26 - Electronic materials 26 - Frontier life 26 - The West 27 - Dreams 27 - Folklore 27 - Oklahoma author 27 - Social life 27 - Spiritual 27 - Statistics 27 - Suspense 27 - Universe 28 - Celebrity 28 - Dieting 28 - Horror 28 - Oprah's Book Club 28 - Quilting 28 - Slavery 28 - Weather 28 - Weddings 28 - Welding 29 - Atlas 29 - Books, etc. added 7/00-6/01 29 - Compact disc 29 - Eskimo 29 - Kindergarten 29 - Sharks 29 - States 29 - Whales 29 - Winning 29 - Young Adult Non-fiction 30 - Airplanes 30 - Alaska 30 - Anatomy 30 - Angels 30 - Cloning 30 - Exercise 30 - Graduation 30 - Hawaii 30 - Hunting 30 - Winnie the Pooh 31 - ACT 31 - Ceremonies 31 - Devotional 31 - Holocaust 31 - NCLEX 31 - SAT 31 - Sheep 31 - Sign language 31 - Small engine repair 31 - Toilet training 32 - 2001-2002 books, etc. added A 32 - 2nd titles added 2001/2002 Ad 32 - Anniversaries 32 - Aud/Vid added 2001/2002 Adult 32 - Aud/Vid added 2001/2002 Juven 32 - Meetings 32 - Reunions 32 - Serials added 2001/2002 33 - 2001-2002 books, etc. added J 33 - 2nd titles added 2001/2002 Ju 33 - Electronic materials 33 - Fear Street 33 - Fishing 33 - Meditation 33 - National Geographic 33 - Reference added 2002-2003 34 - 2002-2003 books, etc. added A 34 - Algebra 34 - Carpentry 34 - Chapter Books 34 - Driving manual 34 - Finance 34 - Frogs 34 - Names 34 - Terrorists 35 - 2002-2003 books, etc. added J 35 - 2nd titles added 2002-2003 A 35 - 2nd titles added 2002-2003 J 35 - Aud/vid added 2002-2003 A 35 - Aud/vid added 2002-2003 J 35 - Knitting 35 - Lifeguard Training 35 - Nursing 35 - Patterns 35 - Serials added 2002-2003 36 - 2003-04 books, etc. added A/Y 36 - 2003-04 books, etc. added J/E 36 - 2nd title added 2003-04 A/YA 36 - Bilingual 36 - Costumes 36 - Do-it-yourself projects 36 - Electrical 36 - Ethnic 36 - Furniture 36 - Printing 37 - 2nd title added 2003-04 J/E 37 - Audios added 2003-04 A/YA 37 - Audios added 2003-04 J/E 37 - Country 37 - Home Plans 37 - Memorial Books 37 - Reference added 2003-04 37 - Serials added 2003-2004 37 - Videos added A/Y 2003-04 37 - Videos added J/E 2003-04 38 - Archery 38 - Bicycles/Bicycling 38 - Comedy 38 - Hispanics 38 - Jerusalem 38 - Magic 38 - Mammals 38 - Railroads 38 - Reptiles 38 - Seasons 39 - Construction 39 - Design 39 - Greenhouse 39 - Love 39 - Mulching 39 - Racing 39 - Sailing 39 - Self Realization 39 - Solar Energy 39 - Success 40 - 2004-2005 Audios added 40 - 2004-2005 Books, ect. add A/Y 40 - 2004-2005 Books, ect. adde J/ 40 - 2004-2005 Videos added 40 - 2nd Title added 2004-2005 J/E 40 - 2nd titles added 2004-2005 A/ 40 - Animorphs 40 - Cars 40 - Graphic Novels 40 - Windsurfing 41 - Audios 2004-2005 41 - Husbands 41 - Immigrants 41 - Marriage 41 - Reference added 2004-2005 41 - School 41 - Serials added 2004-2005 41 - Skinning and Tanning 41 - Trapping 41 - Wives 42 - Eating Disorders 42 - Gangs 42 - Kids in Crisis 42 - Leukemia 42 - Library 42 - Oceans and Seas 42 - Picture Framing 42 - Scrapbooking 42 - Unicorns 42 - Upholstery 43 - American Girl 43 - Behavior 43 - Fairy Tales 43 - Feng Shui 43 - Flowers 43 - Magicians 43 - Parent and Child 43 - Parenting 43 - Puppets 43 - Yoga 44 - 2005/2006 A/YA Added 44 - Arthritis 44 - Attention Deficit Disorder 44 - Board Games 44 - Chemotherapy/Radiation 44 - Citizenship 44 - Genealogy 44 - Lizards 44 - Massage 44 - Parent/Child Relationships 45 - 2005-2006 Audios Added 45 - 2005-2006 J/E added 45 - 2005-2006 Reference Added 45 - 2005-2006 Videos Added 45 - Alternate life styles 45 - Board Books 45 - Colors 45 - Feng Shui 45 - Fish 45 - Inspirational 46 - Comic Book Characters 46 - Diary 46 - Etiquette 46 - Heroes 46 - Medical 46 - Read it Chapter Books 46 - Serials added 2005/2006 46 - United States 46 - Writing 46 - Zodiac 47 - Autism 47 - Body Piercing and Tattoos 47 - Human Rights 47 - Literature 47 - Natural Disasters 47 - Opposing Viewpoints 47 - Speach Therapy 47 - Tunnels 47 - Walt Disney 47 - Wrestling 48 - 2006/2007 A-YA added 48 - 2006/2007 Audio added 48 - 2006/2007 J-E added 48 - 2006/2007 Serials Added 48 - 2006/2007 Video's added 48 - Bankruptcy 48 - Entertainment 48 - Literature 48 - Photosynthesis 48 - Ref added 2006/2007 49 - Blogging 49 - Cake Decorating 49 - Criminal Law 49 - Goats 49 - Herbs 49 - Infertility 49 - Magic Castle Reader 49 - Measurements 49 - Power of Attorney 49 - Water Garden 50 - 2007/2008 A/YA Added 50 - 2007/2008 Jun/Easy Added 50 - Alzheimer's 50 - Bullies 50 - Constellations 50 - Disabilities 50 - Diseases 50 - Fairies 50 - Global Warming 50 - Trains 51 - 2007/2008 Audio's Added 51 - 2007/2008 Ref Added 51 - 2007/2008 Serials Added 51 - 2007/2008 Video Added 51 - Castles 51 - Cheerleading 51 - Fire Trucks 51 - Fireman 51 - Solar System 51 - Stuttering 52 - 2008/2009 A/YA added 52 - 2008/2009 Audio Added 52 - 2008/2009 J-E added 52 - 2008/2009 Video Added 52 - Bartending 52 - Equipment 52 - Literacy 52 - Picture Puzzle 52 - Ponies 52 - Trucks 53 - 2008/2009 Serial Added 53 - Beekeeping 53 - Clocks 53 - Decoration 53 - Forensic Science 53 - Golf 53 - Money 53 - Musical 53 - Puberty 53 - Turkeys 54 - 09/10 A/YA added 54 - 09/10 ANF/YANF added 54 - 09/10 JF/E added 54 - Acrobats 54 - Kitchen 54 - Princess 54 - Prophecies 54 - Remodeling 54 - Scientology 54 - Vampires 55 - 10/11 A/YA Added 55 - 10/11 ANF/YANF Added 55 - 10/11 JF/E Added 55 - 10/11 JNF/ENF Added 55 - 10/11 Serial Added 55 - 09/10 Audio Added 55 - 09/10 JNF/ENF added 55 - 09/10 Serial Added 55 - 09/10 Video Added 55 - Exorcism 56 - 10/11 Audio Added 56 - 10/11 Video Added *NC - Non-circulating eBook 0 - Restricted from version 7 16 - Volume 17 - Number 18 - Issue 19 - Volume 20 - Number 21 - Issue 22 - Volume 23 - Number 24 - Issue 415 - Donated 415 - gift 419 - State Aid 420 - 3Number 421 - Book 421 - Book 421 - Book 421 - No. 421 - Vol. 422 - date 422 - State Aid 423 - Date 423 - Date 423 - Friends of the Library 424 - Ingram 430 - No. 430 - No.15 430 - No.16 430 - No.23 430 - Vol. 430 - Vol.Number 431 - 103Vol. 431 - DVD 431 - Series 432 - # 432 - Belvoir Publication 432 - withdraw 432 - Withdraw 432 - Withdraw 433 - 433 - Ok Dept. of Libraries 434 - Audio 434 - Book and 434 - Chldrn grant 434 - Copy 434 - Type 435 - 3 435 - Discs 435 - Duplicate 435 - Post Office 435 - Video 436 - added 436 - JLG 436 - Memorial Book 437 - Annenberg Foundation Tru 437 - Chldrn fund 437 - DEL 437 - National Endowment Arts 437 - Oklahoma St Health Dept. 437 - Scholastic Books 438 - Audio 438 - Chldrn's fnd 438 - Crossings 438 - Graphic 438 - Jell-O 438 - Stuttering Foundation 438 - Volumn 438 - Wal Mart 439 - Center Point Large Print 439 - Demco 439 - Recorded Books 439 - Series 439 - Trilogy 439 - Volume 1 439 - Volume 3 439 - Volume 4 439 - Volume 5 439 - Volume 6 439 - Volume 7 439 - Volume 8 439 - Volume 9 439 - Art Jewelry 439 - BBC Audiobooks America 439 - Books on Tape 439 - Campbell Soup labels 439 - Crafter's Choice 439 - Demco 439 - DVA 439 - Gale Group 439 - Gumdrop Books 439 - Ingram 439 - Junior Library Guild 439 - Large Print Overstock 439 - Penworthy 439 - Recorded Books 439 - Southern Living Books 439 - Traces 439 - Ulverscroft 439 - Video Group 439 - Vol 439 - Web Wise 440 - Audio Book Club 440 - Audiobooks D 440 - Avalon Books 440 - BBC Audiobooks America 440 - Book and 440 - Childre's Plus, Inc 440 - Children's Plus, Inc. 440 - Copy 440 - DVA 440 - Gumdrop Books 440 - Junior Library Guild 440 - Max Medlin Memorial Fund 440 - Micro Marketing 440 - MicroMarketing 440 - Oakstone Legal & Business 440 - Penworthy 440 - Series 440 - Series 440 - Southern Living Books 440 - Ulverscroft 440 - Video Group AUD - Audio tapes Audio GO B - Adult biography BIL - Standard Bill Notice BIL - V1.50 Standard bill CU - COMPUTER USE DAM - DAMAGED DVD - Digital videos E - Easy fiction EXP - V1.50 Standard expired card n F - Fixed FIC - Adult fiction H - Hourly H - Hourly from version 7 HOL - Standard Ready Hold Notice HOL - V1.50 Standard ready hold not ILL - inter-library loan ILL - Overdue on ILL JB - Junior and Easy Biography JUN - Junior and Easy fiction LOS - LOST MAG - magazines MUS - Music CD or tape NF - Junior and Easy non-fiction O - Overnight from version 7 OD - OVERDUE OTH - Other OVE - Standard Overdue Notice OVE - V1.50 Standard overdue notice PAM - Pamphlet PB - paperbacks PRO - PRO call number prefix PST - Postage R - Regular REF - Reference book REF - REFUND S1 - Special #1 from version 7 TEM - Temporary TEM - Temporary V7B - V7BILL version 7 conversion V7E - V7EXPCARD version 7 conversio V7H - V7HOLD version 7 conversion V7O - V7OVERDUE version 7 conversio VID - Videos WWF - Withdrawn with Fine YA - Young adult fiction YAN - Young adult non fiction Medium
audio book audio recording AUDIOBOOK board book BOOK BOOK> / Jude Watson compact disc Compact Disk and Book computer disc DVD DVD videorecording graphic novel Gutenberg LARGE PRINT sound recording sound recording (CD) soundrecording text (large print) text) large print video recording video recordings videorecording videorecording (DVD) No Medium Listed Downloadable
Downloadable Not Downloadable Downloadable eBook Has a member review
Lexile Measure Range Lexile Minimum – Lexile Maximum
English French Finnish Spanish German Italian Dutch Portuguese Hungarian Chinese Swedish Greek, Modern (1453- ) Esperanto Japanese Latin Danish Korean Catalan Thai Tagalog Norwegian Polish Russian Afrikaans Frisian Indonesian Welsh Czech Hebrew Multiple languages Icelandic Malay Bulgarian Romanian Serbian Slovenian Telugu Galician Greek, Ancient (to 1453) Tai (Other) Arabic Irish Vietnamese Akkadian Cherokee Croatian Dakota Estonian Hawaiian Hindi Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) Inuktitut Klingon (Artificial language) Lithuanian Maori Nepali Occitan (post-1500) Persian Sanskrit Serbian Sign languages Yiddish
Title starts with phrase
Title contains phrase
Subject Language Call # starts with Medium Downloadable Material type
Secondary material type Reader age Accelerated Reader™ Lexile® Measure
Search for:
Material Type
1 — Unassigned 2 — Audio 3 — Biography 4 — Easy 5 — Fiction 6 — Juvenile fiction 7 — Juvy Nonfiction 8 — Magazines 9 — Nonfiction 10 — Reference 11 — Video 12 — YA 13 — YA Non Fiction 14 — Junior Biography 15 — Easy Non Fiction 16 — Biography 17 — Music 18 — Easy Biography 19 — Inter Library Loans 20 — Junior Audio
Secondary material type
1 - Career 1 - Cats 1 - Chemistry 1 - Christmas 1 - Circus 1 - Civil War 1 - Crime 1 - Customs 1 - Prejudice 2 - Computers 2 - Counting 2 - Cows 2 - Dinosaurs 2 - Divorce 2 - Dogs 2 - Dolls 2 - Social science 2 - Suicide 3 - Dragons 3 - Drawing 3 - Easter 3 - Explorers 3 - Fantasy 3 - Farm Life 3 - Football 3 - Foxes 3 - UFO's 4 - Firearms 4 - Ghosts 4 - Goverment 4 - Halloween 4 - Handicapped 4 - Historical 4 - Hockey 4 - Horses 4 - Rape 5 - Adult Mystery 5 - Coins 5 - Humor 5 - Indians 5 - Insects 5 - Mice 5 - Monsters 5 - Motorcycles 5 - Mountains 5 - Satanism 6 - Biology 6 - Magazines 6 - Myths 6 - Olympics 6 - Orphans 6 - Outdoor 6 - Picture Books 6 - Pigs 6 - Pirates 6 - Prohibition 7 - Poultry 7 - Rabbits 7 - Rhyme 7 - Riddles 7 - Robots 7 - Runaways 7 - Science Fiction 7 - Ships 7 - Short Stories 7 - Western 8 - Skating 8 - Snakes 8 - Soccer 8 - Space 8 - Survival 8 - Tall Tales 8 - Teenage 8 - Tennis 8 - Thanksgiving 9 - Farms 9 - Presidents 9 - Recycle 9 - Turtles 9 - Valentine's Day 9 - War of 1812 9 - Witches 9 - Women 9 - World War - Adoption - Alphabet - Ballet - Baseball - Bears - Birthday - Blacks - Easy - Temporary 10 - Collectables 10 - Holiday 10 - Nancy Drew Books 10 - Newbery 10 - Pets 10 - Plants 10 - Poetry 10 - Pollution 10 - Romance 10 - War 11 - Art 11 - Ecology 11 - Encylopedias 11 - Friendship 11 - Games 11 - Hardy Boys 11 - Historical Fiction 11 - Horse Stories 11 - Martial Arts 11 - Spanish 12 - Abuse 12 - Adventure Stories 12 - Animals 12 - Biography 12 - Caldecott Books 12 - Death 12 - French 12 - German 12 - Italian 12 - Joke Books 13 - Adult Fiction 13 - Antique 13 - Aviation 13 - Basketball 13 - Discipline 13 - Easy Fiction 13 - Junior Fiction 13 - Single Parent 13 - Stars,Sun,Planets 13 - Vietnam War 14 - Astrology 14 - Baby-sitters Club 14 - Cookbook 14 - Crafts 14 - Goosebumps 14 - Ingles 14 - Juvenile 14 - Military 14 - Religion 14 - Woodworking 15 - Civil Rights 15 - Curiosities and wonders 15 - Dr. Seuss 15 - Junior Mystery 15 - Medical Sciences 15 - Nature 15 - Reader 15 - Self Help 15 - Series 15 - Trees 16 - Education 16 - Foreign Languge 16 - Gardening 16 - Health 16 - Home Improvement 16 - Large Print 16 - Music 16 - Psychology 16 - Science 16 - Tests 17 - Abortion 17 - Afro-American 17 - Birds 17 - Home Decorating 17 - Interracial Marriage 17 - Mental Illness 17 - Physical Fitness 17 - Physical Illiness 17 - Sports 17 - Wildlife 18 - Astronomy 18 - Dictionary 18 - Drug & Alcohol 18 - Earth Science 18 - Human Body 18 - Nutrition 18 - Public Safety 18 - Reference 18 - Technology 18 - Wagoner 19 - Astral projection 19 - Battles 19 - English 19 - History 19 - Law 19 - Oklahoma 19 - Political 19 - Sex Education 19 - Sexual Behavior 19 - The unexplained 20 - Anthropology 20 - Bible 20 - Christianity 20 - Hoaxes and Deceptions 20 - Outlaws 20 - Parapsychology 20 - Supernatural 20 - Superstitions 20 - Theology 21 - Economics 21 - Engineering 21 - Fear 21 - Grammar 21 - Karate 21 - Landscaping 21 - Language 21 - Mathematics 21 - Mechanics 21 - Physics 22 - Architecture 22 - Business 22 - Drama 22 - Essays 22 - Fables 22 - Millennium 22 - Origami 22 - Painting 22 - Philosophy 22 - Travel 23 - Amnesia 23 - Audio Cassettes 23 - Automobiles 23 - Child Development 23 - Home Schooling 23 - Photography 23 - Safety 23 - Sesame Street 23 - Video Cassettes 23 - Young Adults 24 - Classics 24 - Congress 24 - Coretta-Scott-King Award 24 - Energy 24 - Environmental 24 - Families 24 - History Oklahoma 24 - Pregnancy 24 - Sequoyah 24 - Supreme Court 25 - Addiction 25 - Aids 25 - Anorexia 25 - Bible stories 25 - Bulimia 25 - Manners 25 - Peer Pressure 25 - Resume 25 - Stress 25 - Volcanoes 26 - Air Force 26 - Christian fiction 26 - Cowboys and Cowgirls 26 - Depression 26 - Electronic materials 26 - Frontier life 26 - The West 27 - Dreams 27 - Folklore 27 - Oklahoma author 27 - Social life 27 - Spiritual 27 - Statistics 27 - Suspense 27 - Universe 28 - Celebrity 28 - Dieting 28 - Horror 28 - Oprah's Book Club 28 - Quilting 28 - Slavery 28 - Weather 28 - Weddings 28 - Welding 29 - Atlas 29 - Books, etc. added 7/00-6/01 29 - Compact disc 29 - Eskimo 29 - Kindergarten 29 - Sharks 29 - States 29 - Whales 29 - Winning 29 - Young Adult Non-fiction 30 - Airplanes 30 - Alaska 30 - Anatomy 30 - Angels 30 - Cloning 30 - Exercise 30 - Graduation 30 - Hawaii 30 - Hunting 30 - Winnie the Pooh 31 - ACT 31 - Ceremonies 31 - Devotional 31 - Holocaust 31 - NCLEX 31 - SAT 31 - Sheep 31 - Sign language 31 - Small engine repair 31 - Toilet training 32 - 2001-2002 books, etc. added A 32 - 2nd titles added 2001/2002 Ad 32 - Anniversaries 32 - Aud/Vid added 2001/2002 Adult 32 - Aud/Vid added 2001/2002 Juven 32 - Meetings 32 - Reunions 32 - Serials added 2001/2002 33 - 2001-2002 books, etc. added J 33 - 2nd titles added 2001/2002 Ju 33 - Electronic materials 33 - Fear Street 33 - Fishing 33 - Meditation 33 - National Geographic 33 - Reference added 2002-2003 34 - 2002-2003 books, etc. added A 34 - Algebra 34 - Carpentry 34 - Chapter Books 34 - Driving manual 34 - Finance 34 - Frogs 34 - Names 34 - Terrorists 35 - 2002-2003 books, etc. added J 35 - 2nd titles added 2002-2003 A 35 - 2nd titles added 2002-2003 J 35 - Aud/vid added 2002-2003 A 35 - Aud/vid added 2002-2003 J 35 - Knitting 35 - Lifeguard Training 35 - Nursing 35 - Patterns 35 - Serials added 2002-2003 36 - 2003-04 books, etc. added A/Y 36 - 2003-04 books, etc. added J/E 36 - 2nd title added 2003-04 A/YA 36 - Bilingual 36 - Costumes 36 - Do-it-yourself projects 36 - Electrical 36 - Ethnic 36 - Furniture 36 - Printing 37 - 2nd title added 2003-04 J/E 37 - Audios added 2003-04 A/YA 37 - Audios added 2003-04 J/E 37 - Country 37 - Home Plans 37 - Memorial Books 37 - Reference added 2003-04 37 - Serials added 2003-2004 37 - Videos added A/Y 2003-04 37 - Videos added J/E 2003-04 38 - Archery 38 - Bicycles/Bicycling 38 - Comedy 38 - Hispanics 38 - Jerusalem 38 - Magic 38 - Mammals 38 - Railroads 38 - Reptiles 38 - Seasons 39 - Construction 39 - Design 39 - Greenhouse 39 - Love 39 - Mulching 39 - Racing 39 - Sailing 39 - Self Realization 39 - Solar Energy 39 - Success 40 - 2004-2005 Audios added 40 - 2004-2005 Books, ect. add A/Y 40 - 2004-2005 Books, ect. adde J/ 40 - 2004-2005 Videos added 40 - 2nd Title added 2004-2005 J/E 40 - 2nd titles added 2004-2005 A/ 40 - Animorphs 40 - Cars 40 - Graphic Novels 40 - Windsurfing 41 - Audios 2004-2005 41 - Husbands 41 - Immigrants 41 - Marriage 41 - Reference added 2004-2005 41 - School 41 - Serials added 2004-2005 41 - Skinning and Tanning 41 - Trapping 41 - Wives 42 - Eating Disorders 42 - Gangs 42 - Kids in Crisis 42 - Leukemia 42 - Library 42 - Oceans and Seas 42 - Picture Framing 42 - Scrapbooking 42 - Unicorns 42 - Upholstery 43 - American Girl 43 - Behavior 43 - Fairy Tales 43 - Feng Shui 43 - Flowers 43 - Magicians 43 - Parent and Child 43 - Parenting 43 - Puppets 43 - Yoga 44 - 2005/2006 A/YA Added 44 - Arthritis 44 - Attention Deficit Disorder 44 - Board Games 44 - Chemotherapy/Radiation 44 - Citizenship 44 - Genealogy 44 - Lizards 44 - Massage 44 - Parent/Child Relationships 45 - 2005-2006 Audios Added 45 - 2005-2006 J/E added 45 - 2005-2006 Reference Added 45 - 2005-2006 Videos Added 45 - Alternate life styles 45 - Board Books 45 - Colors 45 - Feng Shui 45 - Fish 45 - Inspirational 46 - Comic Book Characters 46 - Diary 46 - Etiquette 46 - Heroes 46 - Medical 46 - Read it Chapter Books 46 - Serials added 2005/2006 46 - United States 46 - Writing 46 - Zodiac 47 - Autism 47 - Body Piercing and Tattoos 47 - Human Rights 47 - Literature 47 - Natural Disasters 47 - Opposing Viewpoints 47 - Speach Therapy 47 - Tunnels 47 - Walt Disney 47 - Wrestling 48 - 2006/2007 A-YA added 48 - 2006/2007 Audio added 48 - 2006/2007 J-E added 48 - 2006/2007 Serials Added 48 - 2006/2007 Video's added 48 - Bankruptcy 48 - Entertainment 48 - Literature 48 - Photosynthesis 48 - Ref added 2006/2007 49 - Blogging 49 - Cake Decorating 49 - Criminal Law 49 - Goats 49 - Herbs 49 - Infertility 49 - Magic Castle Reader 49 - Measurements 49 - Power of Attorney 49 - Water Garden 50 - 2007/2008 A/YA Added 50 - 2007/2008 Jun/Easy Added 50 - Alzheimer's 50 - Bullies 50 - Constellations 50 - Disabilities 50 - Diseases 50 - Fairies 50 - Global Warming 50 - Trains 51 - 2007/2008 Audio's Added 51 - 2007/2008 Ref Added 51 - 2007/2008 Serials Added 51 - 2007/2008 Video Added 51 - Castles 51 - Cheerleading 51 - Fire Trucks 51 - Fireman 51 - Solar System 51 - Stuttering 52 - 2008/2009 A/YA added 52 - 2008/2009 Audio Added 52 - 2008/2009 J-E added 52 - 2008/2009 Video Added 52 - Bartending 52 - Equipment 52 - Literacy 52 - Picture Puzzle 52 - Ponies 52 - Trucks 53 - 2008/2009 Serial Added 53 - Beekeeping 53 - Clocks 53 - Decoration 53 - Forensic Science 53 - Golf 53 - Money 53 - Musical 53 - Puberty 53 - Turkeys 54 - 09/10 A/YA added 54 - 09/10 ANF/YANF added 54 - 09/10 JF/E added 54 - Acrobats 54 - Kitchen 54 - Princess 54 - Prophecies 54 - Remodeling 54 - Scientology 54 - Vampires 55 - 10/11 A/YA Added 55 - 10/11 ANF/YANF Added 55 - 10/11 JF/E Added 55 - 10/11 JNF/ENF Added 55 - 10/11 Serial Added 55 - 09/10 Audio Added 55 - 09/10 JNF/ENF added 55 - 09/10 Serial Added 55 - 09/10 Video Added 55 - Exorcism 56 - 10/11 Audio Added 56 - 10/11 Video Added *NC - Non-circulating eBook 0 - Restricted from version 7 16 - Volume 17 - Number 18 - Issue 19 - Volume 20 - Number 21 - Issue 22 - Volume 23 - Number 24 - Issue 415 - Donated 415 - gift 419 - State Aid 420 - 3Number 421 - Book 421 - Book 421 - Book 421 - No. 421 - Vol. 422 - date 422 - State Aid 423 - Date 423 - Date 423 - Friends of the Library 424 - Ingram 430 - No. 430 - No.15 430 - No.16 430 - No.23 430 - Vol. 430 - Vol.Number 431 - 103Vol. 431 - DVD 431 - Series 432 - # 432 - Belvoir Publication 432 - withdraw 432 - Withdraw 432 - Withdraw 433 - 433 - Ok Dept. of Libraries 434 - Audio 434 - Book and 434 - Chldrn grant 434 - Copy 434 - Type 435 - 3 435 - Discs 435 - Duplicate 435 - Post Office 435 - Video 436 - added 436 - JLG 436 - Memorial Book 437 - Annenberg Foundation Tru 437 - Chldrn fund 437 - DEL 437 - National Endowment Arts 437 - Oklahoma St Health Dept. 437 - Scholastic Books 438 - Audio 438 - Chldrn's fnd 438 - Crossings 438 - Graphic 438 - Jell-O 438 - Stuttering Foundation 438 - Volumn 438 - Wal Mart 439 - Center Point Large Print 439 - Demco 439 - Recorded Books 439 - Series 439 - Trilogy 439 - Volume 1 439 - Volume 3 439 - Volume 4 439 - Volume 5 439 - Volume 6 439 - Volume 7 439 - Volume 8 439 - Volume 9 439 - Art Jewelry 439 - BBC Audiobooks America 439 - Books on Tape 439 - Campbell Soup labels 439 - Crafter's Choice 439 - Demco 439 - DVA 439 - Gale Group 439 - Gumdrop Books 439 - Ingram 439 - Junior Library Guild 439 - Large Print Overstock 439 - Penworthy 439 - Recorded Books 439 - Southern Living Books 439 - Traces 439 - Ulverscroft 439 - Video Group 439 - Vol 439 - Web Wise 440 - Audio Book Club 440 - Audiobooks D 440 - Avalon Books 440 - BBC Audiobooks America 440 - Book and 440 - Childre's Plus, Inc 440 - Children's Plus, Inc. 440 - Copy 440 - DVA 440 - Gumdrop Books 440 - Junior Library Guild 440 - Max Medlin Memorial Fund 440 - Micro Marketing 440 - MicroMarketing 440 - Oakstone Legal & Business 440 - Penworthy 440 - Series 440 - Series 440 - Southern Living Books 440 - Ulverscroft 440 - Video Group AUD - Audio tapes Audio GO B - Adult biography BIL - Standard Bill Notice BIL - V1.50 Standard bill CU - COMPUTER USE DAM - DAMAGED DVD - Digital videos E - Easy fiction EXP - V1.50 Standard expired card n F - Fixed FIC - Adult fiction H - Hourly H - Hourly from version 7 HOL - Standard Ready Hold Notice HOL - V1.50 Standard ready hold not ILL - inter-library loan ILL - Overdue on ILL JB - Junior and Easy Biography JUN - Junior and Easy fiction LOS - LOST MAG - magazines MUS - Music CD or tape NF - Junior and Easy non-fiction O - Overnight from version 7 OD - OVERDUE OTH - Other OVE - Standard Overdue Notice OVE - V1.50 Standard overdue notice PAM - Pamphlet PB - paperbacks PRO - PRO call number prefix PST - Postage R - Regular REF - Reference book REF - REFUND S1 - Special #1 from version 7 TEM - Temporary TEM - Temporary V7B - V7BILL version 7 conversion V7E - V7EXPCARD version 7 conversio V7H - V7HOLD version 7 conversion V7O - V7OVERDUE version 7 conversio VID - Videos WWF - Withdrawn with Fine YA - Young adult fiction YAN - Young adult non fiction Medium
audio book audio recording AUDIOBOOK board book BOOK BOOK> / Jude Watson compact disc Compact Disk and Book computer disc DVD DVD videorecording graphic novel Gutenberg LARGE PRINT sound recording sound recording (CD) soundrecording text (large print) text) large print video recording video recordings videorecording videorecording (DVD) No Medium Listed Downloadable
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English French Finnish Spanish German Italian Dutch Portuguese Hungarian Chinese Swedish Greek, Modern (1453- ) Esperanto Japanese Latin Danish Korean Catalan Thai Tagalog Norwegian Polish Russian Afrikaans Frisian Indonesian Welsh Czech Hebrew Multiple languages Icelandic Malay Bulgarian Romanian Serbian Slovenian Telugu Galician Greek, Ancient (to 1453) Tai (Other) Arabic Irish Vietnamese Akkadian Cherokee Croatian Dakota Estonian Hawaiian Hindi Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) Inuktitut Klingon (Artificial language) Lithuanian Maori Nepali Occitan (post-1500) Persian Sanskrit Serbian Sign languages Yiddish